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Moon Images

All images and videos shown on this page were taken by Barry and Lori Flansburg

Total Lunar Eclipse, at totality; Esprit 100 APO refractor with a ZWO ASI2400MC camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 11/08/2022


Total Lunar Eclipse, at totality; Esprit 100 APO refractor with a ZWO ASI2400MC camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/16/2022


Time lapse video of the Lunar Eclipse 5/16/2022 (Click on Image for Video); It was taken through an Esprit 100 APO refractor with a Zwo ASI2400MC camera at the New Mexico Astronomy Village near Deming, New Mexico.

The video was created by tracking the earth's shadow and filming the moon move into it. The flickering and shadows crossing the moon are a result of clouds.


Crescent Moon wth Earthshine over Cooke's Peak; Canon 60dA camera with 500 mm lens; NMAV - Deming, NM 09/24/2022


Total Lunar Eclipse, near totality; Canon 60dA camera with 500 mm lens; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/26/2021


Total Lunar Eclipse, mid-way to totality; Canon 60dA camera with 500 mm lens; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/26/2021


Total Lunar Eclipse, early partial eclipse; Canon 60dA camera with 500 mm lens; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/26/2021


Image of the moon crater Clavius; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Silver City, NM 12/26/2020


Craters at the north pole of the Moon; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Silver City, NM 12/26/2020


The Moon at evening twilight; Canon 60Da DSLR with Sigma 500 zoom lens; Canton, GA 4/2/2020


Moon Craters; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Canton, GA 4/16/2019


Moon Craters Tycho and Clavius; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Canton, GA 4/16/2019


The Moon; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using Canon 60Da DSLR; Canton, GA 1/18/2013
