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Planet Images and Videos

All images and videos shown on this page were taken by Barry and Lori Flansburg

Jupiter and its moon Io and Io's shadow; Celestron 14-inch telescope at F11; ASI678MM color Camera; NMAV-Deming, 10/11/2023


Time lapse video of Jupiter and it's moon Europa taken between 1:50 AM and 5:20 AM on September 24, 2023; It shows Europa coming out from behind the planet and the great red spot rotating into view. Stellarvue 7-inch refractor with 2X Barlow lens; ZWO ASI678 MC color camera; NMAV-Deming, 9/24/2023


Jupiter; Stack of best 80% of 15000 5 millisecond exposures; Stellarvue SVX180T 7-inch refractor with 2X Barlow lens; ASI678MM color camera; NMAV-Deming, 9/20/2023


Saturn; Stack of best 80% of 15000 5 millisecond exposures; Stellarvue SVX180T 7-inch refractor with 2X Barlow lens; ASI678MM color camera; NMAV-Deming, 9/20/2023


Saturn with a number of moons annotated; Stellarvue SVX180T 7-inch refractor with 2X Barlow lens; ASI678MM color Camera; NMAV-Deming, 6/14/2023


Saturn; Stellarvue SVX180T 7-inch refractor with 2X Barlow lens at F14; ASI183MM Monochrome Camera with filter wheel and red filter; NMAV-Deming, 5/09/2023


Jupiter with moon Io and Io's shadow; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI678MC color camera; NMAV-Deming, 12/11/2022


Mars; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI678MC color camera; NMAV-Deming, 12/11/2022


Mars Occultation; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI678MC color camera; NMAV-Deming, 12/07/2022


Time lapse video of the occultation of Mars by Earth's moon; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI678 MC color camera; NMAV-Deming, 12/07/2022


Mars; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, 11/30/2022


Jupiter with four moons (Labeled); Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, NM 8/28/2022


Saturn; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, NM 8/29/2022


Neptune; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, NM 8/29/2022


Jupiter; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, NM 8/29/2022


Jupiter; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI183MM monochrome camera with filter wheel and red, green and blue filters; NMAV-Deming, NM 8/28/2022


The Conjunction of Venus and Mercury; Meade ETX-90; Canon 60dA Camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/28/2021


The Conjunction of Venus and Mercury; Canon 60dA Camera with 50-500 mm Zoom Lens; NMAV - Deming, NM 05/28/2021


The Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Silver City, NM 12/21/2020


Mars; Celestron 14 HD Edge using ZWO ASI094 Color Camera; Silver City, NM 10/13/2020


Jupiter and moon Calisto with Calisto's shadow; Silver City, NM 7/9/2020


The planet Venus passing through the Pleiades; 1 second exposure at ISO-1600; Canon 60Da DSLR with 50-500mm Zoom Lens at F6.3; Canton, GA 4/2/2020


Saturn; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F11 using ZWO 094 color camera and a gain of 350; Canton, GA 7/1/2019


Neptune; Celestron 14 HD Edge; Canton, GA 11/21/2018


Jupiter and moons Gannymede and Io; Canton, GA 7/92018


Saturn; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F22 with Flea3 color video camera; Canton, GA 6/22/2016


Mars; Celestron 14 HD Edge at F22 with Flea3 color video camera; Canton, GA 6/22/2016


Jupiter and its moon Io; Canton, GA 2/7/2015;


Time lapse video of Jupiter and its Moon, Io (click image to see video); Meade 10 in. LX-200 with Flea3 color video camera; Canton, GA 2/7/2015


The Dance of the Planets; Canon 60Da DSLR with 50-500mm Zoom Lens at F5.6; Canton, GA 5/25/2013
