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Solar Images and Videos

All images and videos shown on this page were taken by Barry and Lori Flansburg

Time lapse video of the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse. It was cloudy/clear leading up to the eclipse, clear for the beginning and then just as totality occurred the clouds rolled in. It makes for a pretty spooky video but awe inspiring all the same. Esprit 100 telescope with white light filter and Canon 60dA SLR camera; Brown Chicken Brown Cow Ranch Llano, Tx. 4/8/2024.


October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse with a bite taken out of the sun. Lunt 80 mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI183MM camera; Roswell, NM 10/08/2023.


October 14, 2023 Annular Eclipse at full annularity. Lunt 80 mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI183MM camera; Roswell, NM 10/08/2023.


Time lapse video of the 0ctober 14, 2023 annular eclipse. Barry wrote a program to guide the telescope using two edges of the sun and capture images at regular intervals.The program worked beautifully but the clouds did not cooperate so we did not get to run to completion of the eclipse and some of the images around full annularity had to be discarded creating some choppiness.Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with ZWO ASI183MM camera; Roswell, NM 10/14/2023.


Time lapse video of a close-up of the Sun on July 28,2023 (Click on Image to play) showing some explosive solar prominances; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with ZWO ASI183MM camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 07/28/2023


Solar Image with a number of active sunspots and prominances; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI183MM Camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 7/13/2023


Solar Image with prominances and airplane passing through the field of view; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI183MM Camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 09/23/2022


Time lapse video of a close-up of the Sun on September 23,2022 (Click on Image to play) showing some explosive solar prominances; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with ZWO ASI183MM camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 09/23/2022


Time lapse video of a of the Sun on September 23,2022 (Click on Image to play); Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with ZWO ASI183MM camera; NMAV - Deming, NM 09/23/2022


Solar Image with Prominances; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI6200 Camera; Deming, NM 05/12/2022


Transit of Mercury; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome ZWO ASI1600 Camera; Canton, GA November 11, 2019


Time lapse video of the transit of Mercury November 11,2019 (Click on Image for Video); Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with ZWO ASI1600 camera; Canton, GA. The skips in the motion are due to removing frames which were covered by clouds.


Total Solar Eclipse Aug. 21, 2017 Wells Ranch Alliance, NE (click image to see video). This is a time-lapse video with pictures taken at 20 second intervals. Canon 60Da DSLR with 50-500mm Zoom Lens at F5.6. Additional images from the 2017 solar eclipse are available on the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Page.


Transit of Mercury; Lunt 80mm Hydrogen-Alpha Solar Telescope with monochrome BlackFly video camera; Canton, GA May 9, 2016


Transit of Venus; Meade ETX 90 telescope; Canon 10D DSLR; Barstow, CA June 5, 2012


Time lapse video of the transit of Venus June 5, 2012 (Click on Image for Video); Meade ETX with Canon 10D DSLR; Barstow, California


Annular Solar Eclipse (at maximum eclipse). Meade ETX 90 telescope with Canon 10D DSLR; Fallon, NV May 20, 2012


Annular Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012 Fallon, NV (click image to see video). This is a time-lapse video with pictures taken at 30 second intervals. Meade ETX with Canon 10D DSLR


Total Solar Eclipse Feb. 26,1998 aboard the M.S. Ryndam (click image to see video). The movement of the sun is due to the rolling of the ship. Video is captured using an 8mm camcorder at intervals during the partial phases and for the entirety of totality. Caution: File is Large
